Change Cursor Style and Animation in VS Code


1 min read

Change Cursor Style and Animation in VS Code

We have 4 types of cursor animations in VS Code editor. phase, smooth, expand and solid.

To set a particular animation for the cursor in VS Code you need to add a cursor animation setting to your settings.json file.

Open settings.json => ctrl + shift + P and search for setting.json, add a new setting:

"editor.cursorBlinking": "smooth",

Screenshot 2022-03-16 194259.png

# To Change cursor width and Style:

"editor.cursorStyle": "line",
"editor.cursorWidth": 6,

# we have 6 styles of cursor in VS Code:

block, block-outline, line, line-thin, underline, underline-thin

Animation Demos:

Smooth ๐Ÿ™‚


Phase ๐Ÿฅฑ


Expand ๐Ÿ’


Solid ๐Ÿ˜‘


This could be a little configuration but you will enjoy It.

I will share my complete VS Code setup in next post, you may follow to get notified.

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